The Lunduke Journal has now published 10 eBooks. 10 very, very nerdy eBooks.
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 02:24:01 GMT
Plus 4 video games. And like a bazillion articles and podcasts. Which is
crazy awesome.
FULL STORY ======================================================================
Something amazing happened yesterday Something that Id like to marvel in for just a moment.
As of yesterday, The Lunduke Journal has published 10 books.
Books. Ten of them .
All kinds of books: History books, satire books, comic books, childrens
books. Some long, some short. All over the map. But all of them have one thing in common: They are are super, duper, crazy nerdy .
Every single one of those books is available as an added bonus to every
full subscriber to The Lunduke Journal. As are all of the video games, and exclusive articles and podcasts. Get 73% off for 1 year
Lets take a quick stroll through the books that are currently available. In part because theres so much, I think some of you subscribers may have missed some of them. And, in part, because Im just so gosh darned excited that theres now TEN of them.
You can find links to download all of them from the Subscriber benefit page . Lundukes Dad Jokes About Computers
This book is one of my favorites. There have been a few computer joke books published over the last few decades but, in my oh-so-humble opinion, is the funniest one. Bar none.
Plus, all of them are presented in pixel-art comic strip form. Which is just a bonus. Lunduke Journal Quarterly - volumes 1 & 2
Two books. Filled with nothing but satire. About computers. Mostly about Linux and programming.
Because programmers and Linux enthusiasts deserve to laugh too.
Volume 2 is especially good. I mean, dont get me wrong, Volume 1 is funny. But Volume 2 shoot. That books is funny .
Seriously. Those books, right there, are reason enough to subscribe. Heck, those might be enough to consider getting a super-fancy Founding Membership subscription. But a regular subscription? Definitely. Get 73% off for 1
year Linux for Hank
A kids book (really, focused on babies and toddlers). About Linux.
Because its never too early to start teaching them about open source, UNIX inspired operating systems.
Big, fun characters and artwork with sharp lines and a bold, black and white style. Specifically designed to be visually interesting for the youngest nerds among us. Paper Doll Tux
This is absolutely a 100% real thing.
A paper doll book. Staring the Linux mascot: Tux the Penguin.
You can, literally, dress Tux in a bunch of different outfits (even includes
a red hat!) and pose him in different settings (also included).
Print them out, and put them together with your kids! Or, heck, put them together for yourself to display on your desk! Because why not?! Lundukes History of Computers - Volume 1
200 pages of esoteric, often overlooked portions of computer history.
I would be surprised if even the most passionate computer historians could read this book and not learn more than a few things about the history of personal computing.
Theres more books to go. Crazy right? All provided DRM-Free as a perk for everyone who supports the 100% independent work of The Lunduke Journal.
If youd like to get even more goodies (like video hangouts and whatnot), take a look at the Founding Member option . Its pretty sweet. Operating System
Not Found
A Choose Your Own Adventure book bout building a new PC and installing an Operating System on it. Naturally, adventure ensues.
Seriously. It is just as goofy and ridiculous as it sounds. Half a Decade of Linux-y Shenanigans
Between 2012 and 2017, I wrote articles for Network World on Linux, security, alternative Operating Systems, and related topics.
I have collected all of those articles completely un-modified into one
book. A snapshot of what those particular 5 years looked like in the Linux world.
570 pages of Linux-y history and shenanigans . All in a nice eBook.
Over 200,000 words . More than the longest book in the Lord of the Rings series. Longer than the first two Harry Potter books combined.
This is a fascinating snapshot of the Linux world, during the half decade between 2012 and 2017. Road-Sign Hank & the Aliens
The first two issues of a family-friendly, very nerdy, Sci-Fi, comedy adventure series.
Wired and Aint it Cool News both loved these comic books a whole bunch. ( Seriously .)
Ten books . So nerdy. So all over the map. Where else can you get a detailed book of history along with a paper doll book? I mean right?! Get
73% off for 1 year
Ok. I know that turned into a little bit of a pitch for subscriptions to The Lunduke Journal.
But, darn it, Im really proud of this work. Crazy proud. I want to stand on top of a mountain and shout about how awesome all of this is!
New articles on Linux, Alternative Operating Systems, and Retro Computing published daily (often multiple times every day).
With more articles published, per month, than nearly any Tech Magazine in existence. Certainly more than any Tech Magazine Ive ever written for and Ive written for some good ones! (No joke!)
Plus ten DRM-free books . And a few video games. With more perks getting added every month.
All with zero corporate advertising or influence . 100% supported by subscribers like you.
And Im darn proud of that. Not one single company, on planet Earth, can tell The Lunduke Journal what to write about (or what not to write about)! And
The Lunduke Journal is never swayed by advertising dollars because we have a rule against taking any!
I mean heck yes . Awesome! And all of you have made this possible.
You rule.
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