• Mysitic Settings reverting back.

    From neoshock@21:1/150 to All on Sun Dec 29 00:19:06 2024
    Hello all,
    I have been having some issues with my event editor in Mystic in which settings have been reverting back.
    I have an event the posts an BBS Advert, it is meant to send out Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, however the event editor has reverted the settings to the default ever 12 hour interval settings.
    I am not sure if Mystic needs to be recycled to accept changes the the settings, but this time I have recycled, and even restarted my entire server just so I can check to see if the settings stick. I will monitor to make sure it sticks. However I thought I would share my settings, just in case I made an error I can't see to see if that is why mystic is reverting. The following are the settings to that event, please let me know if I am doing something wrong here.

    Active | Yes Mon | Yes
    Description | BBS Advert Tue | No
    Event Type | Interval Wed | Yes
    Exec Hour | 23 Thu | No
    Exec Min | 59 Fri | Yes
    Shell | mutil posttext.ini Sat | No
    Prefix ./ | Yes Sun | No

    Lloyd (neoshock) sysop @ Vintage Pi BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (21:1/150)
  • From Zip@21:1/202 to neoshock on Sun Dec 29 12:34:20 2024
    Hello neoshock!

    I have been having some issues with my event editor in Mystic in
    which settings have been reverting back.

    This has happened to me, too, although after re-adjusting the settings they usually stick. (MIS/Mystic does need to be restarted for the changes to take effect, if I remember correctly.)

    Someone suggested earlier that one should shutdown MIS first, then change the events (./mystic -cfg), and then start MIS again, in order to avoid this from happening.

    Best regards

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202)
  • From neoshock@21:1/150 to Zip on Sun Dec 29 04:13:35 2024
    This has happened to me, too, although after re-adjusting the settings they usually stick. (MIS/Mystic does need to be restarted for the
    changes to take effect, if I remember correctly.)

    Thank you for the confirmation it does appear that the settings has now stuck after restarting Mystic. I will now remember this for the future.
    Sorry to everyone about that spam in the bbs adverts area, it was not my intentions to send that many messages.

    Lloyd (neoshock) sysop @ Vintage Pi BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (21:1/150)
  • From Zip@21:1/202 to neoshock on Sun Dec 29 13:48:22 2024
    Hello neoshock!

    On 29 Dec 2024, neoshock said the following...

    Thank you for the confirmation it does appear that the settings has now stuck after restarting Mystic. I will now remember this for the future.

    You're very welcome -- glad to hear you got it working!

    Best regards

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202)