• Hello World 2

    From Cowboy@21:1/999 to All on Sun Apr 3 18:09:42 2022
    Hi, There I have decided not to use a raspberry pi for my new BBS, and this is my second run thru of setting up message bases with Avon...

    Hope to soon post my address and see you all on the BBS soon

    NeedFul Things BBS

    ... The shortest distance between two points is under construction

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: NeedFul Things BBS (21:1/999)
  • From McDoob@21:4/135 to Cowboy on Sun Apr 3 20:26:08 2022
    Hi, There I have decided not to use a raspberry pi for my new BBS, and this is my second run thru of setting up message bases with Avon...

    Hope to soon post my address and see you all on the BBS soon

    You're making a mistake with that decision, sir. As the SysOp of PiBBS, I am almost required to to say that.

    Also, I'm also hoping you get to do this!

    Give Mystic Guy/Avon a few days to get back from his 'vacation' before you start, okay? (^_^)

    SysOp, PiBBS

    ... Intelligence tests are biased toward the literate.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: PiBBS (21:4/135)
  • From Cowboy@21:1/999 to McDoob on Sun Apr 3 21:51:30 2022
    Hi McDoob

    I have not completly giving up on my PiBBS, Still working on it as well I sent you another message wondering how well the pi ran the BBS looking to find your respones now..

    NeedFul Things BBS

    ... WOMAN.ZIP - Great program but no documentation

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: NeedFul Things BBS (21:1/999)
  • From Spectre@21:3/101 to McDoob on Mon Apr 4 11:38:00 2022
    You're making a mistake with that decision, sir. As the SysOp of PiBBS, I am almost required to to say that.

    I'm of the general opinion that you should rename to PIMMs... can I have that with some Ginger Ale?


    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: The future's uncertain, the end is always near. (21:3/101)
  • From McDoob@21:4/135 to Cowboy on Sun Apr 3 22:07:34 2022
    Hi McDoob

    I have not completly giving up on my PiBBS, Still working on it as well
    I sent you another message wondering how well the pi ran the BBS looking to find your respones now..

    Please excuse me, Cowboy, I've had other priorities. I haven't looked at my PiMail lately...I will do so immediately...Sorry!

    SysOp, PiBBS

    ... Classic: A book which people praise but don't read. - Mark Twain

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: PiBBS (21:4/135)
  • From McDoob@21:4/135 to Cowboy on Sun Apr 3 22:14:48 2022
    Hi McDoob

    I have not completly giving up on my PiBBS, Still working on it as we I sent you another message wondering how well the pi ran the BBS look to find your respones now..

    Please excuse me, Cowboy, I've had other priorities. I haven't looked at my PiMail lately...I will do so immediately...Sorry!


    And yet, my PiMail (and NetMail) inbox is empty? (o_O)

    Cowboy, I must ask you to prove that you're not a bot, right now. Sorry, but I'm kinda paraniod. What rank did Henry The 8th hold?

    Blame the internet, not me!

    SysOp, PiBBS

    ... A social life? Where can I download that!?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: PiBBS (21:4/135)
  • From Cowboy@21:1/999 to McDoob on Sun Apr 3 23:07:44 2022
    And yet, my PiMail (and NetMail) inbox is empty? (o_O)

    Cowboy, I must ask you to prove that you're not a bot, right now. Sorry, but I'm kinda paraniod. What rank did Henry The 8th hold?

    Blame the internet, not me!

    Sorry as I am currently setting up and just finished the netmail setup I am not 100 % shure how to send Netmails yet....

    Henry the 8th Held a Glove

    and you did answer my Question in Hello World thread.. 5 Nodes no Doors your waiting for someone else to deal with that mess

    NeedFull Things BBS
    (Address Comming Soon)

    ... Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: NeedFul Things BBS (21:1/999)
  • From Spectre@21:3/101 to McDoob on Mon Apr 4 13:46:00 2022
    but I'm kinda paraniod. What rank did Henry The 8th hold?

    A better question might be...

    There have been six kings of England called George. Name the other five.


    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: The future's uncertain, the end is always near. (21:3/101)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to Cowboy on Mon Apr 4 13:34:50 2022
    On 03 Apr 2022, Cowboy said the following...

    and you did answer my Question in Hello World thread.. 5 Nodes no Doors your waiting for someone else to deal with that mess

    I have a BBS on a Pi and use BBSLink.net and Door Party (http://wiki.throwbackbbs.com/doku.php) for doors. They're hosted elsewhere but still appear as a menu item on your own BBS, so you get the benefit of being able to play the game with others while not having to emulate a dos environment on the Pi. This method also allows the doors to be available over SSH which is a problem I ran into when running on Windows.

    I'm running on a Pi 4 which boots from a 250GB "PiDrive" which is a USB connected spinning hard drive.


    ... I used to be an agnostic, but now I'm not so sure.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@21:4/122 to Warpslide on Tue Apr 5 08:13:00 2022
    Warpslide wrote to Cowboy <=-

    I have a BBS on a Pi and use BBSLink.net and Door Party (http://wiki.throwbackbbs.com/doku.php) for doors. They're hosted elsewhere but still appear as a menu item on your own BBS, so you get
    the benefit of being able to play the game with others while not having
    to emulate a dos environment on the Pi.

    And, you get a larger gaming community. No point in running multi-player
    games if you don't have multiple players.

    One of the things I haven't done with my BBS in over 30 years of running it
    is set up one of those league-based multi-BBS games. I should try one to see how hard it is to set up.

    ... Humanise something free of error
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    * Origin: realitycheckBBS.org -- information is power. (21:4/122)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Apr 5 12:36:08 2022
    On 05 Apr 2022, poindexter FORTRAN said the following...

    And, you get a larger gaming community. No point in running multi-player games if you don't have multiple players.

    Yup, exactly this. When I first came back to the scene I wanted to run all of my own doors, but like you said, with no one else to play with it kind of defeated the purpose. Now that I'm on BBSLink & Door Party I have all the benefits of an interbbs league without all the extra configuration.


    ... I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Cowboy0629@21:1/211 to All on Mon Apr 18 15:15:44 2022
    Hello All Just got my own fsxNET address 21:1/211 checking to make sure I everything up and running

    Mike Dennison

    NeedFul Things BBS
    Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
    Mike Dennison (Cowboy0629)

    ... Operator, give me the number for 911

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: NeedFul Things BBS (21:1/211)
  • From Nightfox@21:1/137 to Cowboy0629 on Mon Apr 18 13:14:06 2022
    Re: Hello World 2
    By: Cowboy0629 to All on Mon Apr 18 2022 03:15 pm

    Hello All Just got my own fsxNET address 21:1/211 checking to make sure I everything up and running

    I see your message here.

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: Digital Distortion: digdist.synchro.net (21:1/137)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to Cowboy0629 on Mon Apr 18 16:17:24 2022
    On 18 Apr 2022, Cowboy0629 said the following...

    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A47
    @MSGID: 21:1/211 7feb4766
    @TZUTC: -0400
    @PATH: 1/211 100 3/100
    Hello All Just got my own fsxNET address 21:1/211 checking to make sure I everything up and running

    Mike Dennison

    NeedFul Things BBS
    Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
    Mike Dennison (Cowboy0629)

    ... Operator, give me the number for 911

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: NeedFul Things BBS (21:1/211)

    Looks good here!


    ... Bedfellows make strange politicians.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From beardy@21:3/158 to Cowboy0629 on Tue Apr 19 01:58:12 2022
    On 2022-04-18 09:15 Cowboy0629 said...
    Hello All Just got my own fsxNET address 21:1/211 checking to make sure I everything up and running

    Hello and welcome Cowboy0629, it seems to work fine.

    Best regards
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.12-beta (linux; x64; 12.22.11)
    * Origin: BodaX BBS ~ bbs.beardy.se:23 / SSH port 22 (21:3/158)
  • From Zip@21:1/202 to Cowboy0629 on Tue Apr 19 19:00:18 2022
    Hello Cowboy0629!

    On 18 Apr 2022, Cowboy0629 said the following...

    Hello All Just got my own fsxNET address 21:1/211 checking to make sure I everything up and running

    Mike Dennison

    NeedFul Things BBS
    Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
    Mike Dennison (Cowboy0629)

    ... Operator, give me the number for 911

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: NeedFul Things BBS (21:1/211)

    Got you here! Seems to be working just fine! And welcome! =)

    Best regards

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/03 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202)