• fidget address

    From Tetrazocine@21:3/172 to vorlon on Sat Jul 9 15:31:12 2022
    Hello Vorlon, I believe you may be able to assist me with a Fido address? Just got FSX up and running and now for the next one!

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: Sent from d0p3 BBS (21:3/172)
  • From vorlon@21:1/195.1 to Tetrazocine on Sat Jul 9 20:52:26 2022
    Hi Tetrazocine,

    Hello Vorlon, I believe you may be able to assist me with a Fido
    address? Just got FSX up and running and now for the next one!

    Yep. Shoot me a email. "vk3heg@vk3heg.net" with your details...


    --- Talisman v0.42-dev (Linux/m68k)
    * Origin: Vorlon Empire: Amiga 3000 powered in Sector 550 (21:1/195.1)
  • From nblade@21:3/170 to Tetrazocine on Mon Jul 11 15:29:04 2022
    Hello Vorlon, I believe you may be able to assist me with a Fido
    address? Just got FSX up and running and now for the next one!

    Good luck with that. For some reason, my RM for Fidonet is having getting me on. I mean the settings are so similar to FSXNet, you think this would be easy. It has to be something on his end as I can connect to the hub or a least it seems like connects and polls the hub. I just get no packets down and all my netmail to Areafix don't get replied to.

    ... There are three kinds of people: Those who can count, and those who can't

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: RVs and RPGs BBS (21:3/170)