hyjinx wrote to Wall E. Weasel <=-
I am using a 16550AF UART, and I've messed with all sorts of things like software and hardware flow control, but I can never really get any decent outcome with any comms software mixture. I have the Wi232 and the Oldnet WiFiModem, if you have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated, even the suppliers of these devices effectively sghrugged and gave up.
If I don't load the packet drivers like you say, I can just about get word and DOS loaded concurrently, but if I want to do anything useful with the second dos window, it's out of RAM. Shame it wouldn't page that RAM for task 1 (MS Word in this example) out to disk (or a ramdisk
- I could repurpose the AboveBoard for that).
Unfortunately it couldnt' make any optimisations, when it ranits optimisation tool it says that the AboveBoard only has a 64k page frame available for mapping in high memory. I am unsure how this is done, or if it can be done with the AB, but I can look into it.
Thank you so much for your help!
Then something is very wrong with FSXnet. The original still hasn't arrived at any of the boards I call.
Maybe you are calling the wrong boards? Or maybe our reference to "the original" is different.
I get the message from Hub 2 and in the SEEN-BY it was exported to many Hub 2 systems (including my BBS).
I've been tempted to run Desqview/X, if it'll run in DOSBOX. Otherwise, I have a DOS 6.22 VM I could use. I wonder if I'd need pktmux or if D/X looks like one DOS app.
At the time, I had a 286 that I'd overclocked to 12 mhz.
If memory serves, you're correct. I don't think the BIOS allowed you to use the upper memory area on a 286, or else that was too new for my
old mobo.
As far as I recall mainly corrupt chars (so that probably means both), but
You need a serial port card with a 16550 uart on it, or if your current card has the chip in a socket, it's just a matter of swapping
the chip.
On 24 Sep 2021, poindexter FORTRAN said the following...
No cooling, not even a heat sink back then! It was a 8 mhz motherboar upped to 12 with a new crystal I resoldered. Surprised it worked, now that I think of it, looking at my soldering skills.
I often wonder if I could/should do this with my 5162 XT/286. It's a
6MHz AT, which makes it ...just... a little slow. If it was 8MHz even,
I'd be pretty pleased at that. 10MHz, bliss. I reckon 12 is probably overkill.
Do you think I should attempt it? I can't solder to save myself and I
only have one 5162, which cost a _LOT_ of money and is my prized possesion!
Still useful, when I try and figure out why I have such issues with anything above 19200bps....
You need a serial port card with a 16550 uart on it, or if your current card has the chip in a socket, it's just a matter of
swapping the chip.
[...]You need a serial port card with a 16550 uart on it, or if your
current card has the chip in a socket, it's just a matter of
swapping the chip.
With a 6MHz CPU? Hmm.
If you're driving the serial port full-bore at, say, 38,400 bps, then
buffering input, it'd still be a bit of a slog to keep up.
I didn't start in the Intel PC world until the 386 (Was
Commodore/Amiga), and even then a 16550
was a requirement to do anything above walking speed.
tenser wrote to Vorlon <=-
With a 6MHz CPU? Hmm.
If you're driving the serial port full-bore at, say, 38,400 bps, then you're talking an interrupt roughly 40,000 times a second.
Assume a
cycle time of ~100 cycles just to get to the handler and another ~100 cycles to get out, not to mention the cost of the ISR itself, I could easily imagine the CPU being overwhelmed.
Spectre wrote to hyjinx <=-
Hmm so I cannae find a copy of terminate to work with...
500ter.zip kicking around, but that only lands me with an installer, no docs in the archive. Unfortunately the installer just hangs my VMs so
I can't actually install it to see whats there.
The interrupt gets thrown for received data only when the holding
register has a byte available or when the FIFO get triggered, not when
the shift register retrieves a bit. So at 38400 bps, assuming 8 data bits/no parity/1 stop bit, it's only 3840 interrupts/second.
Further, half the point of the FIFO buffer is to reduce interrupt
overhead by fetching multiple bytes at once. Most communication
software is going to use an 8 byte trigger on the receive FIFO which
cuts the interrupt requests down to 480/second at most.
A 286 in real mode uses 23 cycles + instruction fetch to enter an ISR. The IRET uses 17 cycles + instruction fetch.
On 05 Oct 2021 at 12:39p, Wall E. Weasel pondered and said...
A 286 in real mode uses 23 cycles + instruction fetch to enter an ISR The IRET uses 17 cycles + instruction fetch.
Oh cool! I looked for those cycle timings but couldn't find them.
Does this account for latching the ISR and the INTA pulses? It kind
of sounds like it does.
Oh, if you've got a pokey UART, you're going to have a bad day, no
matter what. But just having a decent UART doesn't mean that the CPU
is packing the horses to keep up with it.
What type of CPU are you emulating in the virtual machine, if any? The
this seem overly complex to accomplish one little task? Get used
to it. You'll see once you get it running.
Spectre wrote to tenser <=-
Not sure what went on with the 16450, the limited information I've ever found implies higher speed support than an 8250, so perhaps 38.4k?
Smaller buffer than a 16550, but 16 bit data path compared to the 8-bit 8250? If memory serves.
Spectre wrote to Wall E. Weasel <=-
What type of CPU are you emulating in the virtual machine, if any? The
Non specific, its VirtualBox running DOS6.22 its variously reported at
a 3 or 486.
this seem overly complex to accomplish one little task? Get used
to it. You'll see once you get it running.
Given I was only going to poke in the manuela looking for how to enable the FIFOs, it sounds like you probably already know. :) So how do you
do it?
I haven't installed it on a fast processor in a long time, if at all. Is it the runtime 200 error you are getting? I can't remember if that
was a problem with the installer or not.
purports to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but
it always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for
To get the best results with desqview you *need* to run qemm and
optimize the memory.
Then you might have better luck.
There used to be double-dos... only let you run two tasks... depending
on your software it could have screen bleed though.
hyjinx wrote to All <=-
Long shot here, but do any of you have a copy of a piece of software called Software Carousel for MS-DOS, or just a reliable way of swapping two tasks in DOS?
Long shot here, but do any of you have a copy of a piece of
software called Software Carousel for MS-DOS, or just a reliable
way of swapping two tasks in DOS?
hyjinx wrote to All <=-
Long shot here, but do any of you have a copy of a piece of software called Software Carousel for MS-DOS, or just a reliable way of swapping two tasks in DOS?
I want to run telnet.exe twice - one with a connection to my BBS, and another with a connection to my linux box so I can swap between the two whilst I work on code and watch the results.
If you know of a way, or have a copy of Software Carousel (which
purports to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but
it always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for it.
To get the best results with desqview you *need* to run qemm and
optimize the memory.
Then you might have better luck.
Hmm, I have an Intel AboveBoard so I don't think those two play nice
I tried DD, but I don't think it is compatible with DOS 6.22, which is
The issue probably isn't the aboveboard, but what CPU are you using?
Have you checked the abandonware sites, like vetusware.com?
Long shot here, but do any of you have a copy of a piece of software called Software Carousel for MS-DOS, or just a reliable way of swapping two tasks in DOS?
purports to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but it always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for it.
Am 07.09.21 schrieb hyjinx@21:1/126 in FSX_GEN:
Hallo hyjinx,
I don't know much about your hardware, but DR-DOS had TaskMAX which allowed to multitask in DOS.
AFAIR it started in DR-DOS 6 and was also available in Novell-DOS 7
and later OpenDOS versions.
Maybe, in DR-DOS 6 only task switching was available (the background task would be halted) and only in later versions the background task continued to run - but maybe this also already worked in v6.
As I've read that you use an Intel AboveBoard, I guess you're using an XT class machine - maybe that won't work here, I don't know.
And Re: DesqView: I guess you did load the corresponding EMS driver
for your board?
If DV still does not work: can it utilize a swap file instead of
memory? Then maybe creating a RAM disk in your EMS memory might be an idea :)
DOS versions 5.00 and above have task swapping capabilities in DOSSHELL. Load up DOSSHELL and select View->Program List to remove the file
manager windows, then select Options->Enable Task Swapper. The left window will now be a list of programs (which you can add to or edit) and the right window will be the 'running' programs. You can use Alt-TAB to switch between tasks just like in Windows. But I don't think this is
what you want.
There is also PC-MIX which is still floating around here and there. It will do preemptive multitasking on just about anything that runs DOS.
I want to run telnet.exe twice - one with a connection to my BBS, and another with a connection to my linux box so I can swap between the t whilst I work on code and watch the results.
This isn't going to work if you're attempting what I am envisioning.
Task swapping isn't going to work at all. Each instance of telnet is
its own TCP/IP stack. When one instance is swapped out, that stack is
not running and any packets to it are being ignored and dropped. That includes KEEPALIVE messages. When enough packets are ignored, the
remote system assumes the connection is lost and closes the network socket.
Multitasking can work but will not work with a single NIC. Each telnet instance needs exclusive access to a packet driver and the packet driver needs (at least apparent) exclusive access to the NIC. With two NICs,
two packet driver instances on different software interrupts, and two
mTCP configuration files you can use a multitasker.
Also look into "screen" and "tmux" for the Linux machine. Neither will
be as neat and clean as you would probably like but either one will accomplish what you are doing.
If you know of a way, or have a copy of Software Carousel (which
purports to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but it always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for i
Are you using the DV.COM or XDV.COM loader? You'll need to use XDV to move any of DESQview itself out of 640k.
As was already mentioned, DESQview really does need QEMM to run well. It's been a long, long time since I've even seen one but any of the
later QEMM versions do support the Aboveboard series. I don't remeber
if the Aboveboard provides any high memory at all or if QEMM can emulate it with EMS. The price for QEMM is right over at WinWorld so there's no harm in trying.
Indeed I have... no dice...
Indeed I have... no dice...
Task Switching is probably just fine. I just want to run Telnet x2, jump
Google is a strange beast....
If switching will do, have a look for sidekick... https://winworldpc.com/product/sidekick/2x
AFAIK SideKick was a PIM, it didn't swap programs... It provided a calendar, comms, notepad and other handy things, but it didn't allow
you to swap out to other programs. Am I mistaken?
AFAIK SideKick was a PIM, it didn't swap programs... It provided a
AFAIK SideKick was a PIM, it didn't swap programs... It provided a calendar, comms, notepad and other handy things, but it didn't allow you to swap out to other programs. Am I mistaken?
acn wrote to hyjinx <=-
As I've read that you use an Intel AboveBoard, I guess you're using an
XT class machine - maybe that won't work here, I don't know.
And Re: DesqView: I guess you did load the corresponding EMS driver
for your board?
If DV still does not work: can it utilize a swap file instead of
memory? Then maybe creating a RAM disk in your EMS memory might be an
idea :)
Spectre wrote to Vorlon <=-
Friend o' mine had an aboveboard in his BBS machine all the way to a
486.. but only ever used it as a ramdrive. Stored all the menus and
what have you on it. But then he was using TBBS too...
Spectre wrote to hyjinx <=-
back when Borland was a big thing :)
Task Switching is probably just fine. I just want to run Telnet x2, j
If switching will do, have a look for sidekick...
Yes, I might consider 'upgrading' to DR-DOS. I'm always twitchy
about doing something like that that though, especially since it's
on Compact Flash rather than a real disk, but I guess it should be
OK. My hardware is an IBM 5162, which is basically an AT in an XT's
clothes, and with the added bonus of zero wait state RAM. A great
Task Switching is probably just fine. I just want to run Telnet x2, jump between them when I want to.
As I've read that you use an Intel AboveBoard, I guess you're using an ac>> XT class machine - maybe that won't work here, I don't know.
It's the AboveBoard/286 :)
Yeah I guess I can do that, I just don't know what I'd use the Ramdisk for. Any reccomendations/pointers?
Its possible I'm getting mixed up with something else... that was around at the same time... but I thought it swapped as well as did the other functions.
hyjinx wrote to Wall E. Weasel <=-
There is also PC-MIX which is still floating around here and there. It will do preemptive multitasking on just about anything that runs DOS.
I found version 1.1 on vetusware.com. I gave it a shot and it launched both copies and the system didn't lock up, although I'm having a hard
time swapping between tasks, the scroll lock key doesn't seem to be working as I epxect so I will tinker with this a bit more. Thanks for letting me know about this one.
I do have another nic floating around, but this is getting to be
overkill, plus loading another packet driver into RAM might not be workable too.
I was unaware of XDV. XDV got me a bit further, it actually launches
both instances now, but it crashes after trying to swap back.
I'll download QEMM and see what happens. As it is, the AB is configured for 1.5MB and I have it set to provide EMS at the moment.
Hmm, the only real problem could be that the two IP stacks collide
when switching, as each one thinks that it has exclusive access to the hardware...
I know it's not going to be as speedy as you would prefer, but since you like doing retro anyway... RS232 for one of two terminals? The Pi TTL->RS232 converters are dirt cheap if you don't already have one. It might be asking too much of your PC if you don't have a 16550A UART.
Does it crash when switching between two windows doing normal tasks?
I didn't realize you had a 286 when I suggested QEMM as it requires a 386+, though I likely should have guessed based on the AboveBoard. Look
for QRAM instead. It is also available over at WinWorld.
You could try running the TCP stack at the primary level and try loading shim in each task, to get access to it.
I have 2x Wifi232 type devices and both of them seem to have problems being reliable (they are two different brands). If I use them at
speeds of 9600, it's usually okay, but even BBSing at 9600 on basic
You could try running the TCP stack at the primary level and try
loading shim in each task, to get access to it.
How would I go about doing that?
Hmm assuming you're using a crynwyr style driver, load it prior to multitasking, and pop something like PKTMUX on top of that to provide multiple access vectors, then within each task you'd load PKTDRV so it looks like a native packet driver to each task but they're both talking
to PKTMUX over your actual driver.
Hmm very interesting ! I'll see if I can hunt down PKTMUX and give it a
Vorlon wrote to hyjinx <=-
Hello hyjinx!
07 Sep 21 20:59, you wrote to all:
purports to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but
it always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for
To get the best results with desqview you *need* to run qemm and
optimize the memory. Then you might have better luck.
The issue probably isn't the aboveboard, but what CPU are you using?
Going from memory, a 386 is the min requirement.
To get the best results with desqview you *need* to run qemm and
optimize the memory. Then you might have better luck.
Yes, it works much better this way. IIRC, I could never get DV/qemm
to work with any packet drivers, and more than one window open,
Yes, it works much better this way. IIRC, I could never get DV/qemm to work with any packet drivers, and more than one window open, though.
to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but it
always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's
stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for
I never ran desqview with networking, but back in the day the bbs ran
on it with two lines. I then used a third window for the sysop login/utils.
to do this), then please letm me know. I tried DesqView, but it always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so it's stuck with 640k, and running DV & command.com twice is too much for it.
Ponder, have you only got 640k in this thing? I'm pretty sure we could manage two tasks on a 286 with 1Mb RAM in it. I think we only allocated ~400k to each task.. would entirely depend on drivers, what can be
loaded before, for single load, and what needs to load in each task.
That was 2 x RA or SBBS sessions I was running, so... so long as the networking will load properly, then 2 x simple telnet sessions ought to work...
Spectre wrote to hyjinx <=-
Hmm assuming you're using a crynwyr style driver, load it prior to multitasking, and pop something like PKTMUX on top of that to provide multiple access vectors, then within each task you'd load PKTDRV so it looks like a native packet driver to each task but they're both talking
to PKTMUX over your actual driver.
This I was not familiar with. I grabbed a copy and will play with it later this weekend. Is 1.2i the latest version?
Yes, I don't see any real reason why it wouldn't work. The machine
has 640k on it's mainboard and it has an Intel AboveBoard/286 with
always runs out of memory, can't get it to see my EMS RAM, so
mind... what kind of video card have you got in there? It might be feasible to steal video memory as well, if you have VGA and only utilise mono for arguments sake. VIDRAM, not thats QEMM.. will have a look
My actual use case for this at the moment is to share one packet driver amongst NFS and telnet in a single DOS session.
Today I got lucky. I bit the bullet and upgraded from MS-DOS 6.22 to DR (Caldera) DOS 7.02. Wow! Why have I never used DR-DOS before?
So on my XT I got one of those ram expander cards that gave me 384K more and I configured it around the VRAM carefully. I ended up getting
another 128K-ish ontop of 640K and relocated DOS and loaded a few
things high/UMB with USE!UMB.SYS and a few other hacks, but I
believe I can't do that with the 286 given that the RAM is now on a
proper 16 bit bus and is zero-wait state.
Today I got lucky. I bit the bullet and upgraded from MS-DOS 6.22 to DR (Caldera) DOS 7.02. Wow! Why have I never used DR-DOS before? It's so much better than MS-DOS, even after just few minutes of playing around, there are so many mor handy features. But by far the biggest feature
for me: TaskMgr.
Now, I just need to figure out how to use Michael Brutman's MTCP with PKTMUX. I have tried a few things so far, but I haven't been able
to get his TCP apps to recognise that a packet driver is present.
Anyone out there running PKTMUX and MTCP, or are you running different TCP software? If you are, how are you configuring it? I am running v 1.2e btw ( I couldn't find 1.2i).
So... developments afoot!
Today I got lucky. I bit the bullet and upgraded from MS-DOS 6.22 to DR (Caldera) DOS 7.02. Wow! Why have I never used DR-DOS before? It's so much better than MS-DOS, even after just few minutes of playing around, there are so many mor handy features. But by far the biggest feature for me: TaskMgr.
hyjinx wrote to Wall E. Weasel <=-
I am using a 16550AF UART, and I've messed with all sorts of things like software and hardware flow control, but I can never really get any decent outcome with any comms software mixture. I have the Wi232 and the Oldnet WiFiModem, if you have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated, even the suppliers of these devices effectively sghrugged and gave up.
If I don't load the packet drivers like you say, I can just about get word and DOS loaded concurrently, but if I want to do anything useful with the second dos window, it's out of RAM. Shame it wouldn't page that RAM for task 1 (MS Word in this example) out to disk (or a ramdisk
- I could repurpose the AboveBoard for that).
Unfortunately it couldnt' make any optimisations, when it ranits optimisation tool it says that the AboveBoard only has a 64k page frame available for mapping in high memory. I am unsure how this is done, or if it can be done with the AB, but I can look into it.
Thank you so much for your help!
hyjinx wrote to Spectre <=-
I've tried the following: 1. Load my packet driver (3c509.exe, henceforth called 3c) at 0x60, then pktmux, then pktdrv which sits at 0x63 AFAIR. Then run dhcp.exe, or ping.exe and I'm told that it can't see a packet driver loaded. 2. I then Unload PKTDRV and PKTMUX and then if I run ping or dhcp, everything works, so it's clearly not liking the pktmux. 3. I changed the config of MTCP to point to the interrupt of PKTDRV instead of 3c, but no dice there either.
Anyone out there running PKTMUX and MTCP, or are you running different TCP software? If you are, how are you configuring it? I am running v 1.2e btw ( I couldn't find 1.2i).
And now this message didn't make it out. Hopefully the format isn't going to get too mangled here...
deon wrote to Wall E. Weasel <=-
And now this message didn't make it out. Hopefully the format isn't going
to get too mangled here...
Just FYI, the original did make it out :)
Spectre wrote to hyjinx <=-
Hmm assuming you're using a crynwyr style driver, load it prior to multitasking, and pop something like PKTMUX on top of that to provide multiple access vectors, then within each task you'd load PKTDRV so it looks like a native packet driver to each task but they're both talking
to PKTMUX over your actual driver.
Worth a try, no guarantee it'll work. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Vorlon wrote to Blue White <=-
I never ran desqview with networking, but back in the day the bbs ran
on it with two lines. I then used a third window for the sysop login/utils.
hyjinx wrote to Spectre <=-
So on my XT I got one of those ram expander cards that gave me 384K
more and I configured it around the VRAM carefully. I ended up getting another 128K-ish ontop of 640K and relocated DOS and loaded a few
things high/UMB with USE!UMB.SYS and a few other hacks, but I believe
I can't do that with the 286 given that the RAM is now on a proper 16
bit bus and is zero-wait state.
The graphics card is the same on both machines: the ATI EGA Wonder
800+. A great card.
hyjinx wrote to Spectre <=-
Today I got lucky. I bit the bullet and upgraded from MS-DOS 6.22 to DR (Caldera) DOS 7.02. Wow! Why have I never used DR-DOS before? It's so
much better than MS-DOS, even after just few minutes of playing
around, there are so many mor handy features. But by far the biggest feature for me: TaskMgr.
Now, I just need to figure out how to use Michael Brutman's MTCP with PKTMUX. I have tried a few things so far, but I haven't been able to
get his TCP apps to recognise that a packet driver is present.
I've tried the following:
1. Load my packet driver (3c509.exe, henceforth called 3c) at 0x60,
then pktmux, then pktdrv which sits at 0x63 AFAIR. Then run dhcp.exe,
or ping.exe and I'm told that it can't see a packet driver loaded.
2. I then Unload PKTDRV and PKTMUX and then if I run ping or dhcp, everything works, so it's clearly not liking the pktmux.
3. I changed the config of MTCP to point to the interrupt of PKTDRV instead of 3c, but no dice there either.
Anyone out there running PKTMUX and MTCP, or are you running different
TCP software? If you are, how are you configuring it? I am running v
1.2e btw ( I couldn't find 1.2i).
Just FYI, the original did make it out :)
Then something is very wrong with FSXnet. The original still hasn't arrived at any of the boards I call.
Then something is very wrong with FSXnet. The original still hasn't arrived at any of the boards I call.
Maybe you are calling the wrong boards? Or maybe our reference to "the original" is different.
I get the message from Hub 2 and in the SEEN-BY it was exported to many Hub 2 systems (including my BBS).
There is chance that many boards didnt "get it", (event though it appears to have been exported to them), is because it has the same MSGID as
another one of your messages, and so they would have discarded it a a
I've been tempted to run Desqview/X, if it'll run in DOSBOX. Otherwise, I have a DOS 6.22 VM I could use. I wonder if I'd need pktmux or if D/X looks like one DOS app.
At the time, I had a 286 that I'd overclocked to 12 mhz.
If memory serves, you're correct. I don't think the BIOS allowed you to use the upper memory area on a 286, or else that was too new for my
old mobo.
For whatever reason this message didn't make it out of the BBS when I
sent it a few days ago. Here it is again though probably too late to be of any use.
Can you describe what's happening in a little more detail?
Specifically, are you getting dropped characters or are unexpected characters showing up?
Is your AboveBoard LIM 4.0 capable or is it 3.2 only? 3.2 pretty much ends the usefulness of QRAM. If it's 4.0, you can specify a much larger page frame that QRAM can use. Boot using the F5 key to bypass all of
the system files, then run Manifest (MFT) from the QRAM directory.
Select First Meg from the list and look for any large chunks of free memory after 640k. Write the range of the largest block down. Set the EMM driver to use that range (usually by specifying the start address
and end address of the page frame). QRAM will then be able to use any
of the frame over 64k to move things out of conventional memory.
Also, do you have any hardware devices that use shared memory? You'll have to consider that when locating the page frame. Load Manifest again after all the normal drivers are loaded and see if anything new is
marked as used by a driver or ROM. But you probably already know if you have such devices.
As far as I recall mainly corrupt chars (so that probably means both), but
I was running DR-DOS and Geoworks on my desktop PC, as I was running on a cruddy 386dx40 and didn't want to try to run Windows on it.
It seemed to do everything better than DOS, except run Windows - and that was by design by Microsoft.
Spectre wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
At the time, I had a 286 that I'd overclocked to 12 mhz.
Ok, so, how far overclocked was it, and did you need to cool it? :)
No cooling, not even a heat sink back then! It was a 8 mhz motherboard, upped to 12 with a new crystal I resoldered. Surprised it worked, now
that I think of it, looking at my soldering skills.
For whatever reason this message didn't make it out of the BBS
when I sent it a few days ago. Here it is again though probably
too late to be of any use.
Still useful, when I try and figure out why I have such issues with anything above 19200bps....
I never ran desqview with networking, but back in the day the bbs
ran on it with two lines. I then used a third window for the
sysop login/utils.
that was always very handy! :)
I never ran desqview with networking, but back in the day the bbs
ran on it with two lines. I then used a third window for the
sysop login/utils.
Dr. Strrangelove, one of the founders of NIRVANAnet, had a 386/25 with
8 mb of RAM, a pretty heady system for the time. I remember seeing him chatting on two nodes while running a local node at the same time and being blown away.
Warpslide wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
He could re-solder 5 hookswitches (old Toshiba PBX phones) in the time
it took me to do one or two and his always looked so more more neat & professional.
You need a serial port card with a 16550 uart on it, or if your current card has the chip in a socket, it's just a matter of swapping
the chip.
You need a serial port card with a 16550 uart on it, or if your
current card has the chip in a socket, it's just a matter of
swapping the chip.
You can still have a horsepower problem even with a 16550 under
continuous load, on a low Mhz machine.
I'm surprised an 8250/16450 can't manage 19.2k though, would've
expected that to be pretty much the upper limit though. 38.4k would
give me lockups on 286 age equipment...
No cooling, not even a heat sink back then! It was a 8 mhz motherboard, upped to 12 with a new crystal I resoldered. Surprised it worked, now
that I think of it, looking at my soldering skills.
You need a serial port card with a 16550 uart on it, or if your current card has the chip in a socket, it's just a matter of
swapping the chip.
I often wonder if I could/should do this with my 5162 XT/286. It's a 6MHz AT, which makes it ...just... a little slow. If it was 8MHz even,
I'd be pretty pleased at that. 10MHz, bliss. I reckon 12 is probably overkill.
Alas, I *do* have a 16550AF UART, so something else is not right....
look for one that will get you to the speed you're looking for.. 8Mhz ought to be a no brainer, from my earlier comment you'd be looking for a 16Mhz crystal.
When you suck the crystal out of the motherboard drop a socket in there
to put the replacement crystals into in case you need more than one go
to find a happy speed.
the fifo buffers on the chip to get them enabled, otherwise it'll
continue to run at the lowest common denominator. What terminal
software are you using?
Spectre wrote to hyjinx <=-
When you suck the crystal out of the motherboard drop a socket in there
to put the replacement crystals into in case you need more than one go
to find a happy speed.
So far I've been trying Terminate and Telix. I'll take any other recommendations tho.
Where were you in 1988 when I needed you?
Hmm so I cannae find a copy of terminate to work with... there's 500ter.zip kicking around, but that only lands me with an installer, no docs in the archive. Unfortunately the installer just hangs my VMs so I can't actually install it to see whats there.
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