• One person dies, four injured after shelling of village in Sumyregion

    From News Ukraine@2:467/888.188 to All on Sat Jul 22 15:00:02 2023

    Title: One person dies, four injured after shelling of village in Sumy
    region - local authorities
    Description: At about 10.00 in the morning, one of the villages of
    Krasnopillia community of Sumy region was fired upon by the invaders with artillery on Saturday; 14 explosions were recorded, previously one person
    died and four have injuries of varying severity, according to the regional military administration.

    Link: https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/924434.html
    Sat, 22 Jul 2023 14:04:00 +0300

    --- News in Ukraine without censor.
    * Origin: Read us with http://winpoint.org (2:467/888.188)