• Kyivstar, lifecell to keep numbers of dead or missing Ukrainiansoldie

    From News Ukraine@2:467/888.188 to All on Mon Jun 26 16:48:00 2023

    Title: Kyivstar, lifecell to keep numbers of dead or missing Ukrainian
    soldiers for two years
    Description: Ukraine's largest mobile operator Kyivstar and mobile
    operator˙lifecell˙will reserve the numbers of the dead or missing
    Ukrainian military for two years instead of the standard year in order to
    avoid resale and reactivation of the number by a new subscriber, Deputy
    Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said
    on Monday.

    Link: https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/919072.html
    Mon, 26 Jun 2023 16:13:32 +0300

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    * Origin: Read us with http://winpoint.org (2:467/888.188)