• On May 21, Russians shelled Dnipro region, private house destroyed, in

    From News Ukraine@2:467/888.188 to All on Sun May 21 22:22:02 2023

    Title: On May 21, Russians shelled Dnipro region, private house destroyed, infrastructure damaged - Regional Council
    Description: As a result of hostile shelling on Sunday, May 21, a private house and a car were destroyed in Dnipro region, and there were numerous damages to civilian infrastructure.
    Link: https://censor.net/ua/news/3419803/21_travnya_rosiyany_obstrilyaly_dnipropetrov schynu_znyscheno_pryvatnyyi_budynok_ye_poshkodjennya_infrastruktury
    Sun, 21 May 2023 20:13:00 +0300

    --- News in Ukraine without censor.
    * Origin: Read us with http://winpoint.org/ (2:467/888.188)