• Anniversary of order to withdraw from "Azovstal": march "We are waitin

    From News Ukraine@2:467/888.188 to All on Sat May 20 14:22:02 2023

    Title: Anniversary of order to withdraw from "Azovstal": march "We are waiting for home of heroes of Mariupol" took place in center of Kyiv. VIDEO&PHOTOS Description: Today, 20 May, one year after the order to withdraw the Mariupol garrison from Azovstal, a march "Waiting for the heroes of Mariupol to come home" took place in the centre of Kyiv.
    Link: https://censor.net/ua/photo_news/3419630/richnytsya_nakazu_pro_vyhid_iz_azovsta li_u_tsentri_kyyeva_vidbulasya_hoda_chekayemo_dodomu_geroyiv_mariupolya
    Sat, 20 May 2023 13:35:00 +0300


    Title: Leaders of G7 countries adopted plan to counter Kremlin's energy blackmail
    Description: During the summit, the leaders of the G7 countries adopted a plan to counteract the risks that arose due to the Russian "weaponization of energy".
    Link: https://censor.net/ua/news/3419633/lidery_krayin_g7_uhvalyly_plan_protydiyi_ene rgetychnomu_shantaju_kremlya
    Sat, 20 May 2023 13:50:00 +0300

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