• CVE-2022-38886 | d8s-xml 0.1.0 on Python backdoor (ID 10)

    From Security Bot@2:467/888.88 to All on Sun Jul 16 03:10:06 2023

    Title: CVE-2022-38886 | d8s-xml 0.1.0 on Python backdoor (ID 10)
    Description: A vulnerability has been found in d8s-xml 0.1.0 and classified as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code. The manipulation leads to backdoor.
    Link: https://vuldb.com/?id.209056
    Mon, 19 Sep 2022 20:53:20 +0200

    --- The information is for informational purposes only.
    * Origin: Read us with http://winpoint.org/ (2:467/888.88)