• Synchronet BBSLINK Doors

    From Mickey@VERT/OXFORDMI to All on Mon Jul 17 18:10:57 2017
    Hey Gang! :-)

    Ive had the disappointing task of completely re-installing a new Synchronet this past week. Along with working out the 'NEW' sbbsecho stuff, I no longer have my old BBSLINK Door scripts.

    Could some friendly soul please have a look-see in their cfg's and let me know what works with DoorMUD etc. After a few hours I still don't have them executing.

    Thanks SO much.

    Mick Manning

    Central Ontario Remote BBS
    Fidonet 1:249/307 fsxNET 21:1/156

    þ Synchronet þ Central Ontario Remote BBS
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Mickey on Wed Jul 19 09:43:44 2017
    Re: Synchronet BBSLINK Doors
    By: Mickey to All on Mon Jul 17 2017 19:10:57

    Ive had the disappointing task of completely re-installing a new Synchronet this past week. Along with working out the 'NEW' sbbsecho stuff, I no longer have my old BBSLINK Door scripts.

    Could some friendly soul please have a look-see in their cfg's and let me know what works with DoorMUD etc. After a few hours I still don't have them executing.

    some things have changed with the BBSLink server recently, might want to get back with Mark to make sure it is all still compatible.


    scroll through the links on that website and you should get all the keyords for the games:

    . DoorMUD . ..............................................................
    x. .Name DoorMUD .
    m. .Internal Code DOORMUD .
    t. .Start-up Directory ../mods .
    t. .Command Line ?bbslink dmud .
    o. .Clean-up Command Line .
    ?. .Execution Cost None .
    . .Access Requirements .
    .. .Execution Requirements REST NOT G .
    s. .Multiple Concurrent Users Yes .
    a. .Intercept I/O No .
    m. .Native Executable No .
    m. .Use Shell to Execute No .
    m. .Modify User Data No .
    m. .Execute on Event No .
    a. .Pause After Execution No ..
    h. .BBS Drop File Type None ..
    ..Place Drop File In Node Directory .. .............................................................. ..............................................................

    Hope that helps..


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN - kk4qbn.synchro.net - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Mickey@VERT/OXFORDMI to KK4QBN on Wed Jul 19 19:46:27 2017
    Re: Synchronet BBSLINK Doors
    By: KK4QBN to Mickey on Wed Jul 19 2017 10:43 am

    .............................................................. ..............................................................

    Hope that helps..

    Thanks for the response. Got em all going, including Shooter Jennings little creations.



    Central Ontario Remote BBS
    Fidonet 1:249/307 fsxNET 21:1/156

    þ Synchronet þ Central Ontario Remote BBS
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Mickey on Fri Jul 28 15:50:42 2017
    Re: Synchronet BBSLINK Doors
    By: Mickey to KK4QBN on Wed Jul 19 2017 20:46:27

    Thanks for the response. Got em all going, including Shooter Jennings little creations.

    Cannot get the time to actually explore those fully, but enjoyed all of his creatons. very ... well.. creative :-)


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN - kk4qbn.synchro.net - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA