• Creating a publi c-like access machine for fellow programmers

    From Deavmi@VERT/KK4QBN to All on Wed Jan 4 15:27:03 2017
    I have thought of running a machine with SSH access for fellow programmers. I was thinking to go with Fedora cause it "just works". What are your thoughts on the distro of GNU/Linux choice and also how should I setup the machine.


    Tristan B. Kildaire (Deavmi)

    Email: deavmi@ewbbs.synchro.net; deavmi@kk4qbn.synchro.net


    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - (706)422-9538 - kk4qbn.synchro.net, Chatsworth GA US
  • From tfurrows@VERT/KK4QBN to Deavmi on Wed Jan 4 19:50:06 2017
    Re: Creating a publi c-like access machine for fellow programmers
    By: Deavmi to All on Wed Jan 04 2017 03:27 pm

    was thinking to go with Fedora cause it "just works". What are your thoughts
    OpenBSD is harder to setup, but more secure. Security will be a concern if it's out on the general net. Will this be a VM, or running on the hardware itself?

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - (706)422-9538 - kk4qbn.synchro.net, Chatsworth GA US
  • From jagossel@VERT/KK4QBN to Deavmi on Wed Jan 4 23:26:03 2017
    Re: Creating a publi c-like access machine for fellow programmers
    By: Deavmi to All on Wed Jan 04 2017 03:27 pm

    I have thought of running a machine with SSH access for fellow programmers.
    was thinking to go with Fedora cause it "just works". What are your thoughts
    the distro of GNU/Linux choice and also how should I setup the machine.

    Have you looked into web browser-based IDEs like Codiad or Cloud9? The impression that I am getting is that multiple developers will be accessing the same source on the same machine. If that's the case, take a look into web browser-based IDEs. They should allow for multiple developrs to edit the same file at the same time (pair programming).

    I would recommend *shudders* Ubuntu or Fedora if you're looking for something that "just works". Maybe consider an enterprise-wide type of distribution
    like Ubunto Server or Centos. Maybe Centos with Codiad installed on there.

    I have tried to use Codiad in the past, but I only tried using it in a Vagrant box while trying to work on a MEAN stack application (which was abandoned because of the lack if interest). So, I do not know how to get local accounts set up and to have them work on the same folder; I, also, do not know if Codiad will work in Centos. I know that Cloud9 was pretty picky and only worked on Ubuntu.

    Personally, I would lean more toward development VMs with a desktop or server Linux distrbution, and have the tools required already packed on there, or condsider having provisioning tools (like Chef, Puppet, or Ansible) set up the environments using a Vagrant box. I would also recommend having some form of source control management for the other developers (if possible).

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - (706)422-9538 - kk4qbn.synchro.net, Chatsworth GA US
  • From Deavmi@VERT/KK4QBN to jagossel on Sun Apr 16 20:04:45 2017
    On 05/01/2017 06:26, jagossel wrote:
    Re: Creating a publi c-like access machine for fellow programmers
    By: Deavmi to All on Wed Jan 04 2017 03:27 pm

    I have thought of running a machine with SSH access for fellow programmers.
    was thinking to go with Fedora cause it "just works". What are your thoughts
    the distro of GNU/Linux choice and also how should I setup the machine.

    Have you looked into web browser-based IDEs like Codiad or Cloud9? The impression that I am getting is that multiple developers will be accessing the
    same source on the same machine. If that's the case, take a look into web browser-based IDEs. They should allow for multiple developrs to edit the same file at the same time (pair programming).

    I would recommend *shudders* Ubuntu or Fedora if you're looking for something that "just works". Maybe consider an enterprise-wide type of distribution like Ubunto Server or Centos. Maybe Centos with Codiad installed on there.

    I have tried to use Codiad in the past, but I only tried using it in a Vagrant
    box while trying to work on a MEAN stack application (which was abandoned because of the lack if interest). So, I do not know how to get local accounts set up and to have them work on the same folder; I, also, do not know if Codiad
    will work in Centos. I know that Cloud9 was pretty picky and only worked on Ubuntu.

    Personally, I would lean more toward development VMs with a desktop or server Linux distrbution, and have the tools required already packed on there, or condsider having provisioning tools (like Chef, Puppet, or Ansible) set up the
    environments using a Vagrant box. I would also recommend having some form of source control management for the other developers (if possible).

    I've been playing around with Red Hat's "Virtual Machine Manager" and
    wow it is perfect for this job. Like really!

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN + (706)-422-9538 + kk4qbn.synchro.net + 24/7/365
  • From Jazzy_J@VERT/JAYSCAFE to Deavmi on Wed Apr 19 09:19:00 2017
    Deavmi wrote to jagossel <=-

    @TZ: 0078
    On 05/01/2017 06:26, jagossel wrote:
    Re: Creating a publi c-like access machine for fellow programmers
    By: Deavmi to All on Wed Jan 04 2017 03:27 pm

    I have thought of running a machine with SSH access for fellow

    Look into a distro that supports lxd. You can create vms (actually containers) in a matter of seconds with low overhead. I've been playing with it for about 2 week and I'm working on migrating my VMs that are currently hosted using KVM-QEMU onto lxd containers. Management and overhead is just incredibly less.
    __ __
    __ / /__ _______ __ __ __ / /
    / // / _ `/_ /_ // // / / // /
    \___/\_,_//__/__/\_, /__\___/

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    þ Synchronet þ JAYSCAFE - jayscafe.jayctheriot.com
  • From Jagossel@VERT/MTLGEEK to Jazzy_J on Wed Apr 19 12:58:32 2017
    Re: Re: Creating a publi c-li
    By: Jazzy_J to Deavmi on Wed Apr 19 2017 10:19:00

    Look into a distro that supports lxd. You can create vms (actually containe
    in a matter of seconds with low overhead.

    LXD... I will see if I can take a look at LXD. I have been wanting to use Docker, but can't find a useful, personal project to use Docker.

    Code it, Script itm Automate it!

    þ Synchronet þ MtlGeek - Geeks in Montreal - http://mtlgeek.com/ -
  • From Jazzy_J@VERT to Jagossel on Thu May 25 20:54:00 2017
    Jagossel wrote to Jazzy_J <=-
    Look into a distro that supports lxd. You can create vms (actually containe
    in a matter of seconds with low overhead.

    LXD... I will see if I can take a look at LXD. I have been wanting to
    use Docker, but can't find a useful, personal project to use Docker.

    After spending more time using lxd, I've decided to migrate as many of my virtuals to it as possible.

    The kicker: I can write a simple script like the following to update all my servers:

    lxc exec <container name> apt update
    lxc exec <container name> apt full-update -y
    lxc exec <container name> apt autoremove -y

    And that is it. You could make a text file containing all the names of your containers and loop through them.

    The more I use it, the more I love it.

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/KK4QBN to Jazzy_J on Sun Jun 11 20:19:57 2017
    On 2017-05-26 06:54 AM, Jazzy_J wrote:
    Jagossel wrote to Jazzy_J <=-
    > Look into a distro that supports lxd. You can create vms (actually containe
    Ja> rs)
    > in a matter of seconds with low overhead.

    Ja> LXD... I will see if I can take a look at LXD. I have been wanting to
    Ja> use Docker, but can't find a useful, personal project to use Docker.

    After spending more time using lxd, I've decided to migrate as many of my virtuals to it as possible.

    The kicker: I can write a simple script like the following to update all my servers:

    lxc exec <container name> apt update
    lxc exec <container name> apt full-update -y
    lxc exec <container name> apt autoremove -y

    And that is it. You could make a text file containing all the names of your containers and loop through them.

    The more I use it, the more I love it.

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � telnet://vert.synchro.net

    Wow. That's awesome. I will check this out.

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN + (706)-422-9538 + kk4qbn.synchro.net + 24/7/365
  • From Deavmi@VERT/KK4QBN to Jazzy_J on Mon Jun 12 17:03:20 2017
    On 2017-05-26 06:54 AM, Jazzy_J wrote:
    Jagossel wrote to Jazzy_J <=-
    > Look into a distro that supports lxd. You can create vms (actually containe
    Ja> rs)
    > in a matter of seconds with low overhead.

    Ja> LXD... I will see if I can take a look at LXD. I have been wanting to
    Ja> use Docker, but can't find a useful, personal project to use Docker.

    After spending more time using lxd, I've decided to migrate as many of my virtuals to it as possible.

    The kicker: I can write a simple script like the following to update all my servers:

    lxc exec <container name> apt update
    lxc exec <container name> apt full-update -y
    lxc exec <container name> apt autoremove -y

    And that is it. You could make a text file containing all the names of your containers and loop through them.

    The more I use it, the more I love it.

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � telnet://vert.synchro.net

    Just checked it out online. Looks frikken awesome and simple.

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN + (706)-422-9538 + kk4qbn.synchro.net + 24/7/365