• Re: Your Ideal Distro

    From Sampsa@VERT/B4BBS to Deavmi on Tue Dec 6 19:26:00 2016
    Deavmi wrote to Sampsa <=-

    I use nano only. I also use big text. I just do the Ctrl and Shift and
    + and the Ctrl and - whnever I need it.

    My options are basically:

    - Quick edit to a small config file on a server? nano
    - Some edits to code on a server? emacs
    - Edit 10,000 lines of code in 50 files? sshfs + Smultron 6 on my OS X box.


    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49
    Synchronet B4BBS = London, England - b4bbs.sampsa.com (port 23/tcp)
  • From Sampsa@VERT/B4BBS to Accession on Tue Dec 6 19:34:00 2016
    Accession wrote to Sampsa <=-

    So I have four DASD devices, 0120, 0121, 0130 and 0131.

    Every couple of boots, the /dev/dasd name given to 0121 and 0130 is swapped around. So that's totally fucking random behaviour to me.

    I've never seen this activity before. Then again, I don't have DASD devices, either. Maybe it's specific to your devices and/or your configuration?

    Yeah I think it's a bug in udev - but the amusing fact that "predictable
    device names" actually made them less predicatable is still a lot of lols
    for me.

    I would say a bit of all three probably, with emphasis on the hobbyist part. I'll try and/or use the best fit for the task at hand. I'm a bit
    of a PC gamer as well, so I also have a Win10 machine for Call of Duty, Battlefield 1, The Division, and soon the new Mass Effect that's coming out in spring of 2017.

    Ah ok, I'm a freelance infosec consultant so I've tuned my system to the
    needs that I have (I also do some hobbyist coding and run some network
    projects like UUHECNET and SIMNET etc).

    My OS X setup is perfect for what I do - both professionally and for fun.

    Not so much of a gamer, but I was shocked at the amount of native games
    there are for OS X on Steam nowadays.

    If companies like Activision, Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Bioware, and whatever else would contribute their games to the Linux world, I
    wouldn't have a need for Windows whatsoever. But they don't, so I keep
    it around for what I need it for. *shrug*

    Problem with Linux if you're going to release binary-only stuff is that it
    will only run in a specific kernel/glibc combo. So the amount of choices
    people have actually makes it harder for games companies to release a game that'll run across all the various distros etc reliably.

    In fact the commercial security software I work with the most specifies
    a SPECIFIC version of RHEL it will run under - or no support.

    Of course it'll RUN under under CentOS of the same version if you hack /etc/release to make it look like a RHEL install - but each release ONLY supports one specific version of RHEL, because they don't want their support guy trying to figure out if it's an OS problem or an issue with their software.


    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49
    Synchronet B4BBS = London, England - b4bbs.sampsa.com (port 23/tcp)
  • From Hemo@VERT/UJOINT to Accession on Tue Dec 6 13:41:55 2016
    Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: Accession to alliekbean on Tue Dec 06 2016 07:48 am

    If that's the case and you go to upgrade, does yum let you know and
    possibly give you an option to do a full upgrade to that next

    You don't usually upgrade major versions of CentOS or RHEL with yum.
    You boot off an install DVD and perform an upgrade that way, as
    upgrading using yum can lead to all kinds of problems. This is
    pretty standard for rpm based distributions, as far as I know, with
    Fedora having special tools to upgrade from one major version to
    another. It's not nearly as easy as it is to perform full system
    upgrades on Debian/Ubuntu/Arch/etc.

    Ah, okay. Seems like kind of a bummer if you were to admin multiple CentOS servers that required a major update. Would the DVD install actually detect the current CentOS system and just upgrade it? Or is it a completely new install?

    I don't fathom why anyone would ever do an in-place major relase upgrade of any production system, whether it use apr or yum. I've found both systems are easily confused and broken this way. Stick with the maintainance and security upgrades and you are fine.

    On personal servers, I run amok with the preupdate and dist-upgrade sorts of commands to 'see what happens'.

    I've messed up a few Ubuntu systems using apt-get do-release-upgrade.

    By the time any of the CentOS systems I admin would 'require' a major update, we are usually building new boxes with newer hardware and newer releases of software.

    I think the same applies to Windows systems too.. it is better to start with a fresh install of the new OS release than to upgrade the old release.

    -- Hemo

    ... What a man needs in gardening is a cast iron back with a hinge in it.

    Synchronet - Running madly into the wind and screaming - bbs.ujoint.org
  • From Tony@VERT/FRIENDS to Deavmi on Tue Dec 6 19:00:00 2016
    Sampsa wrote to Deavmi <=-

    Deavmi wrote to Sampsa <=-

    I use nano only. I also use big text. I just do the Ctrl and Shift and
    + and the Ctrl and - whnever I need it.

    My options are basically:

    - Quick edit to a small config file on a server? nano
    - Some edits to code on a server? emacs
    - Edit 10,000 lines of code in 50 files? sshfs + Smultron 6 on my OS X box.


    Nano is very useful...but if I have to change some configuraton on the fly sed and awk are your best friends.
    For automation and push all on remote servers combination of git/puppet/ansible and ansible playbook for
    comamnd execution in remote are the best to remote server administration...

    About distro? My favorite is Debian for server or CentOS if the business require RHE but always try to suggest Debian.

    Home users I don't really many years ago I used FreeBSD than Ubuntu but several years I am very comfortable with Mac.



    ... What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
    --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49
    Synchronet .:: Friends BBS ::.:: London ::.
  • From alliekbean@VERT/MBL to Accession on Tue Dec 6 17:24:56 2016
    Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: Accession to alliekbean on Tue Dec 06 2016 07:48:14

    You don't usually upgrade major versions of CentOS or RHEL with yum. You boot off an install DVD and perform an upgrade that way, as upgrading using yum can lead to all kinds of problems. This is pretty standard for rpm based distributions, as far as I know, with Fedora having special tools to upgrade from one major version to another.
    It's not nearly as easy as it is to perform full system upgrades on Debian/Ubuntu/Arch/etc.

    Ah, okay. Seems like kind of a bummer if you were to admin multiple CentOS servers that required a major update. Would the DVD install actually detect the
    current CentOS system and just upgrade it? Or is it a completely new install?

    Very rarely would you upgrade a production system from one major release to another. It's much safer to back up all your data, make disks with the newer major version, and then set it up with all your data. If you're using enterprise versions of Linux, unless an upgrade provides something you really need, there's just no real reason to upgrade provided the version you're using is still supported.

    But to answer your question, yes, you'd have to go to each system and upgrade it by disc if you were insistent on upgrading to a new major version.

    -- alliekbean

    Synchronet .: moonboot labs :. telnet://bbs.moonbootlabs.net
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to Tony on Wed Dec 7 16:35:00 2016
    Tony wrote to Deavmi <=-

    Nano is very useful...but if I have to change some configuraton on the
    fly sed and awk are your best friends.

    And sometimes grep and friends. I've got some "self configuring" scripts that adapt to where they are in the filesystem, by grepping the current configuration file for certain apps, to get the correct settings.

    For automation and push all on remote servers combination of git/puppet/ansible and ansible playbook for
    comamnd execution in remote are the best to remote server administration...

    About distro? My favorite is Debian for server or CentOS if the
    business require RHE but always try to suggest Debian.

    I'm the same with Distro. Debian is my distro of choice for servers, but will use CentOS if necessary.

    Home users I don't really many years ago I used FreeBSD than Ubuntu but several years I am very comfortable with Mac.

    I loved the Mac, but for reasons of economy I am back on Windows for my desktop and laptops.

    ... "640K of RAM should be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    Synchronet Freeway BBS in Bendigo, Australia.
  • From kc2ugv@VERT/KC2UGV to Chris on Wed Dec 7 08:39:00 2016
    When you are 'shopping' for a linux distro to run - assuming you aren't just constantly jumping distros - do you pick one that leans towards
    just including free software as one of it's goals, or do you go for the convenience of a distro that bundles most if not all the stuff you need?

    Do you tend to favor type over the other? And if so, is it out of principal or for more practical reasons.

    I try to find a balancing act. I would prefer to use all-libre software, but alas, my GPU will almost never be supported initially with a libre driver. Same with my wifi card.

    So, I'd prefer a piece of libre software, but in the end, I need to get work done. Which is why I stick with Ubuntu server, and go from there.

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS
  • From kc2ugv@VERT/KC2UGV to Accession on Wed Dec 7 08:48:00 2016
    Compared to what, DEB?

    I think when rpm was first introduced, it lacked any sort of dependency management. apt came before yum.

    So, perhaps it may be accurate to say dpkg is better than rpm, but I think
    both suck on their own, which is why we have apt and yum.

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS
  • From kc2ugv@VERT/KC2UGV to Deavmi on Wed Dec 7 09:26:00 2016
    Are you trying to emulate an oldschool green screen monitor? Blecch.. I'
    vim or nano with black background and white text any day. :)


    Nano with white text (or like the gray text) and a black background.
    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net

    lol, noobs. Solarized light, ftw :P

    (I kid, I kid! Everyone has their own preferences)

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS
  • From kc2ugv@VERT/KC2UGV to Accession on Wed Dec 7 09:34:00 2016
    I wanted an honest opinion, not something quoted from a biased website.

    While it is a quote, it's factual.

    Systemd is great for desktops. Not surprising, as it's modeled after launchd from Mac OS.

    However, it over-complicates most anything on the server side, which is where the vast majority of Linux installs are.

    Case in point: Journald. Did you know, there's no way to turn this off?
    Most say,"Who cares! Turn the journal down to 512MB (The minimum) and just send logs wherever you want!"

    True, I could do that. However, when you're deploying 6-8000 machines across many DC's, 512MB per instance adds up. And, it costs money. Can I disable
    it? Nope.

    Systemd handles network interface management. What if you don't want
    anything managing your network, other than an enforced config? Can I
    disabled this? Nope. Core component.

    Systemd handles seat management. Who cares about seat management? My
    headless machines have no seats. Can I disabled this? Nope. It uses about 100MB of RAM too. Again, wasted money.

    Now, getting into DE's: Can you install Gnome3 without systemd? Nope. Hard requirement. Now, it's said that one can write their own implementations of logind, but what is even the point of logind? Who cares since most machines are either:
    A) Headless (A server, which has no seats)
    B) Single-user machines?

    Again, wasted resources, and needless interlocking of dependencies.

    These are just some of the problems with systemd. Don't even need to get
    into the development team's attitudes of "Never a bug in systemd, it's a bug
    in the other package" attitude (ie, dropping networks before unmounting NFS filesystems, thereby hanging halt; or using the debug kernel flag to crash
    the kernel, because systemd wants all the kernel namespace to manage.)

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS
  • From kc2ugv@VERT/KC2UGV to Accession on Wed Dec 7 09:41:00 2016
    I don't know if it's ARM specific, but both of my Raspberry Pi 3's use eth0 with systemd. Granted, when I was using an x86 machine it was
    renamed to enp2s6, but it /never/ changed from that. So I'm unsure as to where the "totally f'ing random" is coming from.

    That's a distro thing with the Pi. Most pi distros lock the interface names.

    As for random device naming, yes, systemd is prone to randomly renaming block devices, because it presumes everyone relies on UUIDs for block devices.

    For network devices, yep: That device name will not change, until you move
    it. Then it will.

    I kind of get it. Yes, it's kinda irritating to swap out a faulty NIC, and
    you had to edit udev rules to put it where it's supposed to be, whereas systemd's (un)predictable naming bases it on driver + plane + bus + slot. Which, is predictable once installed (It never changes, as long as it's the same type of NIC, in the same slot, on the same bus, on the same backplane).

    But, until you know it's name, you'll never now what it was.

    With the older system, the first NIC is eth0. eth0 was guaranteed to exist, and could be relied upon as fail safe. wlan0 was (almost) always the first wireless device. Same idea.

    Now, it's all random guessing whenever I plug my phone in to tether... I get
    a 16 char long device name, whereas it used to be "wlan1".

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to kc2ugv on Wed Dec 7 08:33:20 2016
    Hello kc2ugv,

    On 07 Dec 16 08:48, kc2ugv wrote to Accession:

    Compared to what, DEB?

    I think when rpm was first introduced, it lacked any sort of
    dependency management. apt came before yum.

    I'd have to go back and look to make sure, but I believe I originally asked that because the person I was replying to was comparing RPM and APT, which is like apples and oranges. I wanted to get it back to the proper comparison, which was RPM and DEB. Can't just throw a package manager into the comparison and expect no confustion. :)

    So, perhaps it may be accurate to say dpkg is better than rpm, but I
    think both suck on their own, which is why we have apt and yum.

    And the many other derivatives out there that basically do the exact same. Seems like just about every popular distro out there these days are coming up with their own package managers - which is not a bad thing as long as they do their job properly.


    ... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From Poindexter Fortran@VERT/REALITY to Tony on Wed Dec 7 06:40:32 2016
    Re: Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: Tony to Deavmi on Tue Dec 06 2016 07:00 pm

    Nano is very useful...but if I have to change some configuraton on the fly sed and awk are your best friends.

    I purchased an Oreilly e-book bundle through humblebundle.com - 15 classic O'Reilly titles in DRM-free ebooks for $15.

    The SED and AWK book is included, I wanted to read up on it for a little BBS project that's been on my to-do list for some time. I download an argus.txt file for my mailer to use, but need to hand-hack it for one node before updating the mailer. I'd like to be able to automate editing a text file and SED seems the perfect tool for that.

    Synchronet realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From Poindexter Fortran@VERT/REALITY to Vk3jed on Wed Dec 7 06:42:22 2016
    Re: Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: Vk3jed to Tony on Wed Dec 07 2016 04:35 pm

    And sometimes grep and friends.

    I didn't realize how much I mised grep in the Windows world until I installed a Win32 version on the BBS. It and dir /s end up being much more useful than the OS tools.

    Synchronet realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to kc2ugv on Wed Dec 7 13:15:06 2016
    Hello kc2ugv,

    On 07 Dec 16 09:34, kc2ugv wrote to Accession:

    I wanted an honest opinion, not something quoted from a biased

    While it is a quote, it's factual.

    Whether or not it's factual or not is still up in the air. It's still an opinion that some others don't have. I was asking the original poster for his personal opinion, much like I got one from you as well. I can get opinions from
    websites on my own. This is a more personal discussion, so I would rather have personal responses. :)

    Also, before you read into this any further.. I'm not trying to argue here at all. I'm simply asking questions that I may or may not have my own answers to. Just as well, trying to see the other side of the fence from others' point of view.

    Systemd is great for desktops. Not surprising, as it's modeled after launchd from Mac OS.

    Since I don't follow Mac stuff, I didn't know that. So thank you for that tidbit.

    However, it over-complicates most anything on the server side, which
    is where the vast majority of Linux installs are.

    I'm guessing on a much larger scale? I have run quite a few servers here from home as well as outside of home, and systemd has done everything I need it to so far.

    I mean, at this point there must be many more people in favor of it than against it, since most Linux distributions are using it by now.

    Case in point: Journald. Did you know, there's no way to turn this
    off? Most say,"Who cares! Turn the journal down to 512MB (The
    minimum) and just send logs wherever you want!"

    Did you ever want to turn syslog off? I mean, it's the logging facility for systemd. Why would you want to turn it off? And rather than writing a script or
    using things like grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog, you can do much easier with journalctl options. Want to look for something that happened 10 times in the last hour? There's an option for that. :)

    True, I could do that. However, when you're deploying 6-8000 machines across many DC's, 512MB per instance adds up. And, it costs money.
    Can I disable it? Nope.

    Kinda brings me back to the question of why you would want to turn your system log off..? What did you do with syslog or /var/log/messages when you had these same thoughts? Logrotate?

    Systemd handles network interface management. What if you don't want anything managing your network, other than an enforced config? Can I disabled this? Nope. Core component.

    What did you use to manage your network before systemd? And could you disable it without losing your network connectivity?

    Now, getting into DE's: Can you install Gnome3 without systemd?
    Nope. Hard requirement. Now, it's said that one can write their own implementations of logind, but what is even the point of logind? Who cares since most machines are either: A) Headless (A server, which has
    no seats) B) Single-user machines?

    You may be diving a little deeper with the above. Gnome3 and most other DE's aren't usually used on servers. If they are, there's many more other things that should be worried about than logind or systemd. :)

    Just seems like there's more benefits than caveats, and that's why most distibutions went the systemd route. That and the fact that now they (distro specific devs) can all work together in unison to accomplish the same tasks, rather than have to change everything that comes from upstream for specific distributions.

    Heck it looks like even RedHat/CentOS are using it now since version 7 (which is surprising).


    ... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From alliekbean@VERT/MBL to kc2ugv on Wed Dec 7 12:45:34 2016
    Re: Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: kc2ugv to Accession on Wed Dec 07 2016 09:34:00

    Case in point: Journald. Did you know, there's no way to turn this off? Most say,"Who cares! Turn the journal down to 512MB (The minimum) and just send logs wherever you want!"

    Just curious here, but why would you want to disable logging entirely on a system? Even if you're sending logs to a remote syslog server, you'd still have rsyslog or something running on each individual machine, so I'm not sure exactly why one would need to disable logging.

    Systemd handles network interface management. What if you don't want anything managing your network, other than an enforced config? Can I disabled this? Nope. Core component.

    How so? On both my Arch and RHEL 7 systems, systemd doesn't manage network interfaces at all. I use netctl on Arch and NetworkManager on RHEL 7. While netctl sets up systemd services to manage the network interfaces, I don't think it's systemd managing them directly, it's just putting them in the proper place based on the dependencies netctl says it has. I don't think NetworkManager works does this at all, handling everything internally once it starts.

    Systemd handles seat management. Who cares about seat management? My headless machines have no seats. Can I disabled this? Nope. It uses about 100MB of RAM too. Again, wasted money.

    From what I know logind does more than just manage seats for X. It handles a lot of session setup, logging, DBus stuff, etc. I think it's also involved with having user-controlled systemd services as well, and those can come in really handy.

    I'm not sure where you're getting the 100MB of RAM figure, because on my headless Arch system it takes about 8MB, and on my laptop Arch system it takes about 40MB (with X running). I don't know what distribution you're using, but maybe this is something related to that and not logind itself?

    Now, getting into DE's: Can you install Gnome3 without systemd? Nope.
    Hard requirement. Now, it's said that one can write their own implementations of logind, but what is even the point of logind? Who cares since most machines are either:
    A) Headless (A server, which has no seats)
    B) Single-user machines?

    Again, wasted resources, and needless interlocking of dependencies.

    If you don't know what the point of logind is, perhaps you should start there? From everything I've read, GNOME 3 is using logind so they don't have to implement all the stuff it does on their own. I believe that's a pretty valid reason.

    I agree with you that systemd has issues when it comes to making things more complicated when they don't always need to be, their development process and attitude, etc. But I've actually found it to work quite well on servers in my own experiences.

    -- alliekbean

    Synchronet .: moonboot labs :. telnet://bbs.moonbootlabs.net
  • From alliekbean@VERT/MBL to kc2ugv on Wed Dec 7 12:48:40 2016
    Re: Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: kc2ugv to Accession on Wed Dec 07 2016 09:41:00

    I don't know if it's ARM specific, but both of my Raspberry Pi 3's use eth0 with systemd. Granted, when I was using an x86 machine it was renamed to enp2s6, but it /never/ changed from that. So I'm unsure as to where the "totally f'ing random" is coming from.

    That's a distro thing with the Pi. Most pi distros lock the interface names.

    As for random device naming, yes, systemd is prone to randomly renaming block devices, because it presumes everyone relies on UUIDs for block devices.

    For network devices, yep: That device name will not change, until you move it. Then it will.

    The Linux kernel is what decides to name interfaces the weird, wonky names. At some point the Linux kernel developers made the decision to name interfaces based on the driver and I think the order in which they're detected. But it should also be possible to rename the interfaces with udev rules.

    -- alliekbean

    Synchronet .: moonboot labs :. telnet://bbs.moonbootlabs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to Sampsa on Thu Dec 8 10:18:58 2016
    On 2016-12-06 09:26 PM, Sampsa wrote:
    Deavmi wrote to Sampsa <=-

    I use nano only. I also use big text. I just do the Ctrl and Shift and
    + and the Ctrl and - whnever I need it.

    My options are basically:

    - Quick edit to a small config file on a server? nano
    - Some edits to code on a server? emacs
    - Edit 10,000 lines of code in 50 files? sshfs + Smultron 6 on my OS X box.


    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49
    � Synchronet � B4BBS = London, England - b4bbs.sampsa.com (port 23/tcp)

    Mounting a file system viua ssh is dayum nice. I do that too from time
    to time.

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to kc2ugv on Thu Dec 8 10:22:22 2016
    On 2016-12-07 10:39 AM, kc2ugv wrote:
    When you are 'shopping' for a linux distro to run - assuming you aren't just constantly jumping distros - do you pick one that leans towards just including free software as one of it's goals, or do you go for the convenience of a distro that bundles most if not all the stuff you need?

    Do you tend to favor type over the other? And if so, is it out of principal or for more practical reasons.

    I try to find a balancing act. I would prefer to use all-libre software, but alas, my GPU will almost never be supported initially with a libre driver. Same with my wifi card.

    So, I'd prefer a piece of libre software, but in the end, I need to get work done. Which is why I stick with Ubuntu server, and go from there.

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS

    Thankfully my wifi card has libre drivers, not my GPU though, so it has
    become a paper weight.

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to kc2ugv on Thu Dec 8 10:22:57 2016
    On 2016-12-07 10:48 AM, kc2ugv wrote:
    Compared to what, DEB?

    I think when rpm was first introduced, it lacked any sort of dependency management. apt came before yum.

    So, perhaps it may be accurate to say dpkg is better than rpm, but I think both suck on their own, which is why we have apt and yum.

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS

    So did you have to install the dependancies for a specific program
    manually then?

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to kc2ugv on Thu Dec 8 10:23:41 2016
    On 2016-12-07 11:26 AM, kc2ugv wrote:
    Are you trying to emulate an oldschool green screen monitor? Blecch.. I'
    vim or nano with black background and white text any day. :)


    Nano with white text (or like the gray text) and a black background.
    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net

    lol, noobs. Solarized light, ftw :P

    (I kid, I kid! Everyone has their own preferences)

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS

    I like it like that, distraction free. You expect me to use lime greeen
    on black (which can be nice but still).

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From kc2ugv@VERT/KC2UGV to Accession on Thu Dec 8 07:18:00 2016
    I'm guessing on a much larger scale? I have run quite a few servers here from home as well as outside of home, and systemd has done everything I need it to so far.

    Yes. On a large scale, where most linux deployments are (That, and embedded devices).

    Did you ever want to turn syslog off? I mean, it's the logging facility for systemd. Why would you want to turn it off? And rather than writing
    a script or

    No, why would I turn syslog off? It's a robust logging facility, that is
    time tested, and not prone to corruption of logs, unlike journald.

    I would like to be able to disable journald, so I'm not wasting resources on it, since syslog facilities are what get used in mass deployments.

    using things like grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog, you can do
    much easier with journalctl options. Want to look for something that happened 10 times in the last hour? There's an option for that. :)

    There's nothing wrong with grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog. They are all capable of parallel processing the log.

    Regardless, don't use that for much other than quick reports, on the spot.
    On large scale deployments, syslog ships the logs to a ACID-compliant db backend. Why waste resources on journald, whose db is not ACID compliant?

    What did you use to manage your network before systemd? And could you disable it without losing your network connectivity?

    You don't manage a networking interface. It gets brought up at boot, and doesn't change.

    We're not talking about laptops here. We're talking about servers, which generally stay on, all the time.

    If by some change the connection drops, it has a static assignment, and just starts taking traffic again. No need for "interface management" on servers.

    You may be diving a little deeper with the above. Gnome3 and most other DE's aren't usually used on servers. If they are, there's many more
    other things that should be worried about than logind or systemd. :)

    Exactly. So, why is there a need for an init system that manages seats, networking, syslogging, an ssh shell, login manager, DE, etc for the vast majority of systems where none of that is required?

    distibutions went the systemd route. That and the fact that now they (distro specific devs) can all work together in unison to accomplish the same tasks, rather than have to change everything that comes from
    upstream for specific distributions.

    Heck it looks like even RedHat/CentOS are using it now since version 7 (which is surprising).

    How does systemd make it any easier for devs? Syslog, ssh, inits are all application agnostic.

    There's nothing to change upstream, anymore than there was prior to systemd.

    As for RHEL/Centos deploying systemd, of course they are: RH is the group
    that wrote it, and is pushing it. They are looking to mold Linux into what makes money for them, not to be the best OS.

    Corey, KC2UGV

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Solar Pi BBS
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to kc2ugv on Thu Dec 8 08:01:02 2016
    Hello kc2ugv,

    On 08 Dec 16 07:18, kc2ugv wrote to Accession:

    Did you ever want to turn syslog off? I mean, it's the logging
    facility for systemd. Why would you want to turn it off? And
    rather than writing a script or

    No, why would I turn syslog off? It's a robust logging facility, that
    is time tested, and not prone to corruption of logs, unlike journald.

    That's basically what it seems like you're saying you want to do. When using systemd, journald is the system service for logging in general. So saying you'd
    like to shut it off is basically saying one of two things: 1) you want to turn off/disable your system logging service, or 2) you don't want to use systemd in
    general (which is the only option I could actually see agreeing with).

    I would like to be able to disable journald, so I'm not wasting
    resources on it, since syslog facilities are what get used in mass deployments.

    I'm fairly certain you cannot use systemd without journald. So if you want to disable it, you can't use systemd. This can still be done if you're willing to take the right steps to do so.

    using things like grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog, you
    can do much easier with journalctl options. Want to look for
    something that happened 10 times in the last hour? There's an
    option for that. :)

    There's nothing wrong with grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog.
    They are all capable of parallel processing the log.

    I didn't say there was anything wrong with them. I said journalctl makes things
    easier by giving command line options to do the same exact thing.

    Regardless, don't use that for much other than quick reports, on the
    spot. On large scale deployments, syslog ships the logs to a ACID-compliant db backend. Why waste resources on journald, whose db
    is not ACID compliant?

    Maybe it has a compliance with something else that can be used instead? After all, when upgrading one system on a large scale deployment, usually you're doing a lot more than just that one. Obviously, journald is going to have one looking for a new way to gather everything together in a new form of db.

    You seem to keep going back to original programs you've been used to using. It doesn't seem like the move to systemd is going to cater to what everyone has been used to for however long. I think the major issues people against systemd are having is that they've done something a certain way for so long and now they're somewhat being forced to learn something different.. and I'm sure it's a hell of a lot of work upgrading large scale deployments - with or without systemd. But, one can look at the positive side of things too (ie: job security).

    What did you use to manage your network before systemd? And could
    you disable it without losing your network connectivity?

    You don't manage a networking interface. It gets brought up at boot,
    and doesn't change.

    Exactly. Then why did you bring it up in the first place?

    We're not talking about laptops here. We're talking about servers,
    which generally stay on, all the time.

    Still need networking to be brought up during that first boot, though, right?

    If by some change the connection drops, it has a static assignment,
    and just starts taking traffic again. No need for "interface
    management" on servers.

    Petition to have it removed with your specific company, then? Heck, I don't know. This part of the discussion seems kind of redundant.

    How does systemd make it any easier for devs? Syslog, ssh, inits are
    all application agnostic.

    How about the applications themselves, and not the system dependant stuff? Applications can now ship with simple .service files that will work on every distribution out there using systemd, straight from upstream. I seem to recall distros using sysvinit even differing on the location/placement of init scripts, rather than joining together to make them work across many platforms?

    There's nothing to change upstream, anymore than there was prior to systemd.

    It's not about changing, it's about providing a simple service file, and no matter what distro it goes to, will work without having to modify it to suit said distro.

    As for RHEL/Centos deploying systemd, of course they are: RH is the
    group that wrote it, and is pushing it. They are looking to mold
    Linux into what makes money for them, not to be the best OS.

    What distros still _don't_ use systemd? I'm assuming Slackware and Gentoo right
    off the bat, but any others?


    ... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From alliekbean@VERT/MBL to Deavmi on Thu Dec 8 07:45:56 2016
    Re: Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: Deavmi to kc2ugv on Thu Dec 08 2016 10:22:57

    I think when rpm was first introduced, it lacked any sort of dependency management. apt came before yum.

    So, perhaps it may be accurate to say dpkg is better than rpm, but I think both suck on their own, which is why we have apt and yum.

    So did you have to install the dependancies for a specific program
    manually then?

    Sort of. rpm handled dependencies, but it didn't auto-install packages for you. So if you tried to install something and were missing a package, it would tell you, but you'd have to install that one by yourself. Obviously that's a pain if you have a whole bunch of packages that are missing. It did have network support, though (and still does), so you can install a package from a URL and it'll download and install it.

    -- alliekbean

    Synchronet .: moonboot labs :. telnet://bbs.moonbootlabs.net
  • From Tony@VERT/FRIENDS to Tony on Thu Dec 8 12:04:00 2016
    Poindexter Fortran wrote to Tony <=-

    it for one node before updating the mailer. I'd like to be able to automate editing a text file and SED seems the perfect tool for that.

    Well there are several good pdf manual about SED and AWK online, but yes definetely SED for scripting is the best tool, you can several commands
    and/or regular expressions.


    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49
    Synchronet .:: Friends BBS ::.:: London ::.
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to Accession on Fri Dec 9 17:45:38 2016
    On 2016-12-08 04:01 PM, Accession wrote:
    Hello kc2ugv,

    On 08 Dec 16 07:18, kc2ugv wrote to Accession:

    Did you ever want to turn syslog off? I mean, it's the logging
    facility for systemd. Why would you want to turn it off? And
    rather than writing a script or

    No, why would I turn syslog off? It's a robust logging facility, that is time tested, and not prone to corruption of logs, unlike journald.

    That's basically what it seems like you're saying you want to do. When using systemd, journald is the system service for logging in general. So saying you'd
    like to shut it off is basically saying one of two things: 1) you want to turn
    off/disable your system logging service, or 2) you don't want to use systemd in
    general (which is the only option I could actually see agreeing with).

    I would like to be able to disable journald, so I'm not wasting resources on it, since syslog facilities are what get used in mass deployments.

    I'm fairly certain you cannot use systemd without journald. So if you want to disable it, you can't use systemd. This can still be done if you're willing to
    take the right steps to do so.

    using things like grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog, you
    can do much easier with journalctl options. Want to look for
    something that happened 10 times in the last hour? There's an
    option for that. :)

    There's nothing wrong with grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog.
    They are all capable of parallel processing the log.

    I didn't say there was anything wrong with them. I said journalctl makes things
    easier by giving command line options to do the same exact thing.

    Regardless, don't use that for much other than quick reports, on the spot. On large scale deployments, syslog ships the logs to a ACID-compliant db backend. Why waste resources on journald, whose db
    is not ACID compliant?

    Maybe it has a compliance with something else that can be used instead? After all, when upgrading one system on a large scale deployment, usually you're doing a lot more than just that one. Obviously, journald is going to have one looking for a new way to gather everything together in a new form of db.

    You seem to keep going back to original programs you've been used to using. It
    doesn't seem like the move to systemd is going to cater to what everyone has been used to for however long. I think the major issues people against systemd
    are having is that they've done something a certain way for so long and now they're somewhat being forced to learn something different.. and I'm sure it's
    a hell of a lot of work upgrading large scale deployments - with or without systemd. But, one can look at the positive side of things too (ie: job security).

    What did you use to manage your network before systemd? And could
    you disable it without losing your network connectivity?

    You don't manage a networking interface. It gets brought up at boot, and doesn't change.

    Exactly. Then why did you bring it up in the first place?

    We're not talking about laptops here. We're talking about servers, which generally stay on, all the time.

    Still need networking to be brought up during that first boot, though, right?

    If by some change the connection drops, it has a static assignment,
    and just starts taking traffic again. No need for "interface management" on servers.

    Petition to have it removed with your specific company, then? Heck, I don't know. This part of the discussion seems kind of redundant.

    How does systemd make it any easier for devs? Syslog, ssh, inits are all application agnostic.

    How about the applications themselves, and not the system dependant stuff? Applications can now ship with simple .service files that will work on every distribution out there using systemd, straight from upstream. I seem to recall
    distros using sysvinit even differing on the location/placement of init scripts, rather than joining together to make them work across many platforms?

    There's nothing to change upstream, anymore than there was prior to systemd.

    It's not about changing, it's about providing a simple service file, and no matter what distro it goes to, will work without having to modify it to suit said distro.

    As for RHEL/Centos deploying systemd, of course they are: RH is the group that wrote it, and is pushing it. They are looking to mold
    Linux into what makes money for them, not to be the best OS.

    What distros still _don't_ use systemd? I'm assuming Slackware and Gentoo right
    off the bat, but any others?


    ... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    � Synchronet � thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)

    Devuan, something like that.

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to Deavmi on Fri Dec 9 17:46:18 2016
    On 2016-12-09 05:45 PM, Deavmi wrote:
    On 2016-12-08 04:01 PM, Accession wrote:
    Hello kc2ugv,

    On 08 Dec 16 07:18, kc2ugv wrote to Accession:

    Did you ever want to turn syslog off? I mean, it's the logging
    facility for systemd. Why would you want to turn it off? And
    rather than writing a script or

    No, why would I turn syslog off? It's a robust logging facility,
    is time tested, and not prone to corruption of logs, unlike

    That's basically what it seems like you're saying you want to do. When
    systemd, journald is the system service for logging in general. So
    saying you'd
    like to shut it off is basically saying one of two things: 1) you want
    to turn
    off/disable your system logging service, or 2) you don't want to use
    systemd in
    general (which is the only option I could actually see agreeing with).

    I would like to be able to disable journald, so I'm not wasting
    resources on it, since syslog facilities are what get used in mass

    I'm fairly certain you cannot use systemd without journald. So if you
    want to
    disable it, you can't use systemd. This can still be done if you're
    willing to
    take the right steps to do so.

    using things like grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog, you
    can do much easier with journalctl options. Want to look for
    something that happened 10 times in the last hour? There's an
    option for that. :)

    There's nothing wrong with grep/awk/sed to pull things from syslog.
    They are all capable of parallel processing the log.

    I didn't say there was anything wrong with them. I said journalctl
    makes things
    easier by giving command line options to do the same exact thing.

    Regardless, don't use that for much other than quick reports, on the
    spot. On large scale deployments, syslog ships the logs to a
    ACID-compliant db backend. Why waste resources on journald,
    whose db
    is not ACID compliant?

    Maybe it has a compliance with something else that can be used
    instead? After
    all, when upgrading one system on a large scale deployment, usually
    doing a lot more than just that one. Obviously, journald is going to
    have one
    looking for a new way to gather everything together in a new form of db.

    You seem to keep going back to original programs you've been used to
    using. It
    doesn't seem like the move to systemd is going to cater to what
    everyone has
    been used to for however long. I think the major issues people against
    are having is that they've done something a certain way for so long
    and now
    they're somewhat being forced to learn something different.. and I'm
    sure it's
    a hell of a lot of work upgrading large scale deployments - with or
    systemd. But, one can look at the positive side of things too (ie: job

    What did you use to manage your network before systemd? And could
    you disable it without losing your network connectivity?

    You don't manage a networking interface. It gets brought up at
    and doesn't change.

    Exactly. Then why did you bring it up in the first place?

    We're not talking about laptops here. We're talking about servers,
    which generally stay on, all the time.

    Still need networking to be brought up during that first boot, though,

    If by some change the connection drops, it has a static assignment,
    and just starts taking traffic again. No need for "interface
    management" on servers.

    Petition to have it removed with your specific company, then? Heck, I
    know. This part of the discussion seems kind of redundant.

    How does systemd make it any easier for devs? Syslog, ssh, inits
    all application agnostic.

    How about the applications themselves, and not the system dependant
    Applications can now ship with simple .service files that will work on
    distribution out there using systemd, straight from upstream. I seem
    to recall
    distros using sysvinit even differing on the location/placement of init
    scripts, rather than joining together to make them work across many

    There's nothing to change upstream, anymore than there was prior to

    It's not about changing, it's about providing a simple service file,
    and no
    matter what distro it goes to, will work without having to modify it
    to suit
    said distro.

    As for RHEL/Centos deploying systemd, of course they are: RH is the
    group that wrote it, and is pushing it. They are looking to mold
    Linux into what makes money for them, not to be the best OS.

    What distros still _don't_ use systemd? I'm assuming Slackware and
    Gentoo right
    off the bat, but any others?


    ... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    � Synchronet � thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)

    Devuan, something like that.

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Jazzy_J@VERT/JAYSCAFE to Accession on Wed Dec 14 06:46:44 2016
    Re: Your Ideal Distro
    By: Accession to Jazzy_J on Mon Dec 05 2016 07:57:38

    At work, when *nix is required, they are strictly CEntOS. There are probably 200 *nix servers. At my day job I support ~20K M$
    workstations and have limited involvment in server management. I have a few M$ and *nix servers helping me support the workstations, but the infrastructure consists of about 2K M$ server systems.

    Sounds like a fun day at the office. I take it they tend to leave those CentOS systems alone for the most part then (except possibly some major security updates)?


    Exactly. The concept with servers in an enterprise setting is very similar to *nix's philosopy: "Have
    it do one thing and do it well. (with high availability and redundancy)." So, there are minimal packages
    on servers other than those that are needed to support the overall mission of that server.

    I, personally, am OS agnostic. I love using *nix because of the simplicity and power it bestowes.
    Microsoft OSs are why I have a job and it makes the masses happy. Apple allows me to do *nix stuff in a
    corporate setting and look good. (I don't dislike Apple, I just think they are overrated.)

    (My true fav OS is the AmigaOS line) :)

    __ __
    __ / /__ _______ __ __ __ / /
    / // / _ `/_ /_ // // / / // / irc port 6667
    \___/\_,_//__/__/\_, /__\___/ sysop: Jay C. Theriot (Jazzy_J)
    /___/___/ telnet://jayscafe.jayctheriot.com

    Synchronet JAYSCAFE2 - jayscafe2.jayctheriot.com
  • From Mindless Automaton@VERT/ELDRITCH to Chris on Fri Dec 16 09:10:06 2016
    On 11/30/2016 12:42 AM, Chris wrote:
    Ok, while I'm not sure I picked the best subject title for this, I figured I'd
    ask just to get an idea.

    Just curious how others approach it. And hopefully can start a holy war ;-)

    I never could of any reason to use linux for a long time. (Tried once,
    NIC driver didnt work, gave up).

    Eventually I moved SBBS to ubuntu before they got a Windows 8 interface.
    :P I chose ubuntu at the time because that was the preferred distro of
    the local user group before they disbanded.

    When ubuntu went windows 8, I went with Mint & Cinnamon.

    I've messed around with FreeBSD also and don't really have a problem
    with that.

    I always wanted to make some desklets or what not for SBBS, but I never
    get motivated to do any of that.

    Most of the linux desktop enviroments for me feel pretty Windows 3.1 typically, so I could probably use any of them and not really care. :)

    -Mindless Automaton
    Synchronet Eldritch Clockwork BBS - eldritch.darktech.org
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to Mindless Automaton on Fri Dec 16 20:13:03 2016
    On 2016-12-16 04:10 PM, Mindless Automaton wrote:
    On 11/30/2016 12:42 AM, Chris wrote:
    Ok, while I'm not sure I picked the best subject title for this, I
    figured I'd
    ask just to get an idea.

    Just curious how others approach it. And hopefully can start a holy
    war ;-)

    I never could of any reason to use linux for a long time. (Tried once,
    NIC driver didnt work, gave up).

    Eventually I moved SBBS to ubuntu before they got a Windows 8 interface.
    :P I chose ubuntu at the time because that was the preferred distro of
    the local user group before they disbanded.

    When ubuntu went windows 8, I went with Mint & Cinnamon.

    I've messed around with FreeBSD also and don't really have a problem
    with that.

    I always wanted to make some desklets or what not for SBBS, but I never
    get motivated to do any of that.

    Most of the linux desktop enviroments for me feel pretty Windows 3.1 typically, so I could probably use any of them and not really care. :)

    -Mindless Automaton
    � Synchronet � Eldritch Clockwork BBS - eldritch.darktech.org
    I have found my new home in Ubuntu MATE. It has the needed packages and
    they are up to date. It's on the same level as Ubuntu (assuming they use
    the same repos therefore) hence they have the same packages I'd assume
    and they are both up to date. I need this for development and I have
    stuck with it now.

    The laptop might need to run Ubuntu though, it works a bit better maybe.
    Idk though. Haven't installed either yet. Just been doing the live
    sessions (installing Ubuntu MATE now though).

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to Mindless Automaton on Fri Dec 16 20:13:23 2016
    On 2016-12-16 04:10 PM, Mindless Automaton wrote:
    On 11/30/2016 12:42 AM, Chris wrote:
    Ok, while I'm not sure I picked the best subject title for this, I
    figured I'd
    ask just to get an idea.

    Just curious how others approach it. And hopefully can start a holy
    war ;-)

    I never could of any reason to use linux for a long time. (Tried once,
    NIC driver didnt work, gave up).

    Eventually I moved SBBS to ubuntu before they got a Windows 8 interface.
    :P I chose ubuntu at the time because that was the preferred distro of
    the local user group before they disbanded.

    When ubuntu went windows 8, I went with Mint & Cinnamon.

    I've messed around with FreeBSD also and don't really have a problem
    with that.

    I always wanted to make some desklets or what not for SBBS, but I never
    get motivated to do any of that.

    Most of the linux desktop enviroments for me feel pretty Windows 3.1 typically, so I could probably use any of them and not really care. :)

    -Mindless Automaton
    � Synchronet � Eldritch Clockwork BBS - eldritch.darktech.org
    Also, Ubuntu seems to love giving errors on my hardware. Always.

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Deavmi@VERT/EWBBS to Deavmi on Fri Dec 16 20:13:44 2016
    On 2016-12-16 08:13 PM, Deavmi wrote:
    On 2016-12-16 04:10 PM, Mindless Automaton wrote:
    On 11/30/2016 12:42 AM, Chris wrote:
    Ok, while I'm not sure I picked the best subject title for this, I
    figured I'd
    ask just to get an idea.

    Just curious how others approach it. And hopefully can start a holy
    war ;-)

    I never could of any reason to use linux for a long time. (Tried once,
    NIC driver didnt work, gave up).

    Eventually I moved SBBS to ubuntu before they got a Windows 8 interface.
    :P I chose ubuntu at the time because that was the preferred distro of
    the local user group before they disbanded.

    When ubuntu went windows 8, I went with Mint & Cinnamon.

    I've messed around with FreeBSD also and don't really have a problem
    with that.

    I always wanted to make some desklets or what not for SBBS, but I never
    get motivated to do any of that.

    Most of the linux desktop enviroments for me feel pretty Windows 3.1
    typically, so I could probably use any of them and not really care. :)

    -Mindless Automaton
    � Synchronet � Eldritch Clockwork BBS - eldritch.darktech.org
    Also, Ubuntu seems to love giving errors on my hardware. Always.
    My hardware being the Toshiba laptop in this case.

    Synchronet Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net